Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Alexander- A dinner with Awareness

     When I think of these two writers sitting down for a meal the first thing that comes to mind are the heated debates that will transpire. In both of their writings it is clear they value awareness but one is based on everyday plights and the other on controversial topics.
     At their table Morrison would bring up the importance of writing with a meaning and without apology . What I mean by this is to write about the grim truths that many others are too afraid to touch because they are considered taboo. Writing about the things that matter to you can bring awareness in the form of a new perspective. Wallace would agree to the extent that you can only become aware of people and things that are happening if you take the time to put yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. He would use his examples of the everyday world ,in which we become frustrated and block out the feelings and thoughts of others, to show that we are self absorbed by nature so it would take an even higher level of self awareness to visualize the struggles of an entire people.
     By the time the bill is brought out they have come to an understanding that both components are  needed to be the most self and socially aware individual. Someone who is able to empathize and then write adeptly and without fear about what they witnessed.


  1. I agree they both value awareness and that one is more based on everyday plights and the other on more controversial topics but I believe the wouldn’t debate much but rather have a wonderful agreeing discussion on the plight of man. David Foster Wallace can bring up the more universal things humans can go through and talk about their motives and seeing things through each other’s eyes to share life experiences. While Tori Morrison can add to the conversation by conducting a higher self-awareness in humans as a whole learning from each other when one can share an openness with one that may be different from them. By the time the check comes they might have already gotten the waiter into a lesson about empathy.

  2. I agree they both value awareness and that one is more based on everyday plights and the other on more controversial topics but I believe the wouldn’t debate much but rather have a wonderful agreeing discussion on the plight of man. David Foster Wallace can bring up the more universal things humans can go through and talk about their motives and seeing things through each other’s eyes to share life experiences. While Tori Morrison can add to the conversation by conducting a higher self-awareness in humans as a whole learning from each other when one can share an openness with one that may be different from them. By the time the check comes they might have already gotten the waiter into a lesson about empathy.
